"Speckled Glass" |
The subtle nuances of human behavior, along with similarities and differences in who we are, as people, fascinates me. We are constantly evolving beings, bound by nature yet all the while domesticated by schools. "Nature's" instinct, sense, and drive inevitably wrestle with "Society's" etiquette, expectation and law. Our cells and selves tell us who we are and how to act. One thing is certain, however, consensus is futile. Morality is disputed over dinner tables and poker tables, basketball courts and the Supreme Court. Is gay right or is it wrong, should the rich pay more or the poor work harder and if neither made to, who is to blame? Are you a Democrat or Republican, oh sorry, I forgot, I don't care.
The main reason for this blog is to declare to the world my new year's resolution. For every day of 2014 I plan to photoblog, just like this one. My boyfriend told me I'm crazy and that I won't be able to do it. I think a bet is in order. PS. I don't like to lose. See you January 1st.
"An Indiana Christmas" |