In this instance, I signed myself and Chris up for a couple's research study. The study requires us to watch five movies together in a month, answer a few questions about our experience, and then email the answers to the research group. I chose to do this study after hearing about it on NPR and how the exercise was recently found to have the same benefits as couple's counseling as well as decreased the instance of divorce by half in participating couples.
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Don't Divorce Just Yet...
An old dog can always learn new tricks, that's what I say. Yet taking the first step outside the ol' comfort zone can be a difficult one to make. At the same time, if the past is any indicator of the positive experiences that are soon to follow by making uncomfortable choices, I'll take them every time.
With that, we watched our first movie tonight, Move Over, Darling! This 1960's classic is a cute, Castaway-type movie, where a husband presumes his wife to dead after she is lost at sea for five years, and on the day of her return, decides to remarry a new woman. After the movie, Chris and I discussed the questions and although I won't go into details, I will say it was a successful (he thought so too). If you're looking for a fun, somewhat challenging, FREE and reportedly as successful as couple's counseling tool, this may be right up your alley. Here is the link: Postpone that that breakup or divorce until next month...