"Do something wonderful, people may imitate it."
Albert Schweitzer 1/14/1875-9/4/1965 Alsatian/German physician
Me on my birthday last year, somewhere in Texas (2013) |
Since it's Albert Schweitzer birthday and my own, I'd like to share, if it's OK with Albert, a few things that make me unique. I wash my hands 5 out of 11 times after using the restroom. I love Obamacare and how it focuses on preventative care. I don't care about politics. I love receiving mail. I had a huge cancerous tumor in my neck, in my dreams last night. I don't have a cable TV subscription. My Christmas decorations have yet to be taken down. I like to pee outdoors rather than indoors. Campfires and the stars hypnotize me. I love to play devil's advocate. I hate confrontation. I love learning something new. My biggest fear is death, not of others death, but my own. I wish could write for a living. I am most fearful of being vulnerable and exposed.
Thanks for being a part of this wonderful journey we call
life. Enjoy the rest of MY and Albert Scheitzer's night. Tomorrow my goal is to write a tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. I hope I do him proud.