Today being Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday I wanted to thank him for his courage to stand up and speak his truth, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stand in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy."
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner...
My answer to the question of who in history, dead or alive, would you invite to dinner, has always been Dr. Martin Luther King. Up until last year, history books had taught me all I knew about the man who'd led the Civil Right's Movement and gave arguably the greatest speech of all time. Although words on a page provided a link I might not otherwise have had, nothing compared to standing in the exact place Martin Luther King Jr. stood when he spoke the words "I have a dream."
At the MLK National Historic Museum in Atlanta, I read a journal entry he wrote close to the time he died and it had a profound impact on me. His words expressed extreme fear and uncertainty as to what lay ahead, and questioned whether to give up. In the same entry he acknowledges he was no longer a man but a leader of a people who desperately needed hope and a voice when they had none.