Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Dinner Is Served...

What keeps you from loving another person? Did they do something to hurt you? Do they not look how you want them to look? Do they act in some way that is inappropriate to you? Whatever the excuse or justification may be, remember that you, and you alone, are the only one who has the power to withhold love from others, as well as from yourself.

There comes a point after adolescence and the teenage years when each of us is confronted with adulthood. In order to make the transition to a more mature existence, one must make peace with their past, along with full acceptance of themselves as the ultimate authority.

Picture for a moment if you will writing down on a recipe card the ingredients which go into making you, you. Nothing is left out - personality traits, accomplishments, losses, traumatic experiences - it all gets written down. Separately, the ingredients may not seem that tasty, but when you combine them all together, a delicious meal is made.

"To accept ourselves as we are means to value our imperfections as much as our perfections." - Sandra Bierig
People have often asked me whether what I know about love has spoiled it for me. And I just simply say, 'Hardly.' You can know every single ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, and then when you sit down and eat that cake, you can still feel that joy.

People have often asked me whether what I know about love has spoiled it for me. And I just simply say, 'Hardly.' You can know every single ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, and then when you sit down and eat that cake, you can still feel that joy.

People have often asked me whether what I know about love has spoiled it for me. And I just simply say, 'Hardly.' You can know every single ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, and then when you sit down and eat that cake, you can still feel that joy.

People have often asked me whether what I know about love has spoiled it for me. And I just simply say, 'Hardly.' You can know every single ingredient in a piece of chocolate cake, and then when you sit down and eat that cake, you can still feel that joy.


Now, get to work making a scrumptious dish...