Details. Details. Details. You see, lately all I've been thinking about are details, and I could not be more bogged down. Sure, I understand the need for an engineer to get the specks correct on a 747 airplane, or for James Bond to dismantle bombs just right, but that level of scrupulousness in every day life is just plain crazy talk. A few detailed-crazed-characters come to mind; the overbearing parent, the controlling friend, and the addicted lover, each of which make reoccurring appearances in our lives.
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff...and it's all small stuff is a book I don't even need to read because the title taught me everything I need to know.
How I Roll... |
The trick is to let go of the details and to set a
feeling goal. For example, my goal in writing this blog is to feel relaxed and at ease. Even while writing this very sentence I noticed myself becoming self-conscious and then slightly anxious about what I was writing. Then I remembered my
feeling goal so I relaxed and let go of the self imposed pressure. I don't know if it will work for you, but try it and let me know what you think. Til next time, flow on.